Choose your wisdom voice over your inner critique
3 things you need to know about thoughts :
- We all have 100s of thoughts going through our minds every day, some are helpful,
some aren’t. - We have very little control on these thoughts, this is down to our biology, the mind
creates constantly. - It’s not our thoughts that get us into trouble, it’s the power we give them.
Your inner critic
These thoughts are called our thoughts of habits, they are shortcuts to our memory, they
are what allow us to learn, to act quickly, without them everything we do would take an
incredible amount of time, because everything would need to be analyzed and depicted. A table
doesn’t need to look exactly like every other table you’ve seen for you to recognize it’s a table,
you see a flat structure supported by 4 legs that stands up and you deduct it’s a table, even if
you’ve never seen one just like that before. Your thoughts of habits are the ones that allow you
to come to this conclusion, they are fed by your memories, your experiences, your learnings and
your beliefs.
Sometimes throughout our lives, throughout our experiences and learnings of what is “good”
and “bad, a glitch happens. We draw conclusions about ourselves or about the world that
transform into these little voices in our heads that tell us that we cannot do something, we’re not
enough, we just can’t do this…This is when our thoughts of habits become our inner critic